Mia LeRoux
Available Any Day of the Week.
$250 - $500 / Day
I offer 3 main packages and am looking to be hired by both individuals and tracks/ clubs to attend their HPDEs/ events. Package 1: instructor HPDE package. I will sit in the passenger side of the driver’s car, film footage of the driver, take data of the driver’s times, and then will go back and review my notes, telemetry, and video footage subsequently after every session. The driver will receive the footage, data files, and notes to take home with them at the end of the day. This package costs $500 a day. Package 2: Track / Club Classroom Instructor. With this package, I will instruct a classroom of drivers in between their sessions on track on a variety of topics- depending on what the client asks for through engaging presentations I create. These presentations are multi-media, including printouts, videos, slide shows, and data, and are written in a manner that allows even the newest drivers to understand the topics discussed. Personally, I have attended many classrooms, along with flagger training days, so I integrate some of the topics discussed in both types of presentations (such as safety procedures, FAQ about flags, and fire procedures.) This package is $250 per day. Package 3: Drive-Follow Package. This package is most compatible with HPDE/ track days. In this package, I bring one of my personal race cars, (Or, use one of the track’s cars if a track is a client ) to the track to accompany the driver during the sessions on the track. This experience is more immersive than classic instruction and allows me to see ways the driver could improve much clearer, while also offering a “ghost car” style experience for lead follow. The package includes Go Pro footage in either my car or the driver’s (depending on whether the driver is interested in seeing his or herself on the track or seeing my car), a two-way radio connection, which allows for the driver and me to communicate on track (compatible for Bell and Stilo Helmets, along with telemetry in both cars for data analysis using a reference lap. At the end of the day, the driver will leave with the video footage, data files, and expanded knowledge. This package is $500 per day ($1.75 ) per mile transport of my race vehicle and the client covers gasoline. Please visit https//www.LeRouxRacing.net to learn more about my racing experience.