As a certified NASA instructor, I help guide high performance driving enthusiast the fine points of high-performance driving on America’s greatest road courses in a safe and controlled manner. I’ll ride in the passenger seat and help you in every step of the way, teaching you the driving line, the essentials of braking, steering inputs, smoothness and identifying the four elements of every corner. For those wanting to drive their own car and looking for instruction will be required to comply with all registered organizations technical inspections. When renting my car, I will work with the organization to conduct all necessary technical inspections. Special insurance is not required but certainly recommended when driving your own car. When booking instruction in my car you will be required to purchase track insurance through Lockton Motorsports and will be responsible for all deductibles. Track insurance protects the vehicle against damage while participating in the event – on the track and in the paddock. Note: Liability insurance coverage is not included.