Joe Makarski


Available any day of the week.

$700 / day

Austin, TX

Contact to book

Joe Makarski is a Fine Arts Photographer originating in Boston and currently expanding his life and photography opportunities as a full time nomad.

His historical expertise highlights his ability to artistically capture a nanosecond in time. From the NHL to Skateboarding, from light orbs to an individual screaming alone in the woods, he has an eye for a powerful image. And the technical expertise to create a piece of art from a single moment. Joe Makarski truly documents the humans of humanity.

His unique style of portraits encompasses the environment not simply as a backdrop but rather it embodies and highlights the human. He creates a sense of heightened reality with his authentic representation of the American human experience.

My past 30 years of professional photography and within those 30 years, I have 10 years of experience shooting fast paced professional sports. Especially skateboarding and with the NHL and NHL affiliates.

Currently in Austin TX until January.