Charlie “Chaz” Valdez
Data AnalystHPDE InstructorRace Car Rental
Available Any Day of the Week.
$300 - $1,500 / Day
North Carolina, USA
Data analysist, SCCA, SVRA, NASA, WRL, Camping World Tour. I’ve been coaching for 3 years and racing for 7 years. I’ve built my own cars and produced rental services. I’m currently in CLT, NC.
Cars and racing have been a central part of my life since I was a little kid. I’ve always loved anything mechanical. Even when I was young, I took things apart to see how they worked. I got my first motorcycle at the age of 3—it was battery-operated, but in my mind, it tore up the sidewalks. I outgrew the motorcycle and moved into a small, red dirt go-kart at 6 years old. My feet could not even reach the peddles, but my dad found a way to make it work.