Air-E-All Media

Drone PilotPhotographerVideographer

Available any day of the week with 2 weeks notice.


Wilksboro, NC

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Paul Patrick excels in revolutionizing perspectives and delivering exceptional outcomes through the innovative use of drones, as he is dedicated to crafting individualized, winning experiences for each client. Specializing in providing a distinctive viewpoint, Paul goes beyond conventional approaches, ensuring that every aerial moment is an immersive and unforgettable experience. Leveraging the pinnacle of training expertise, he brings the highest quality in drone operations to the forefront, combining state-of-the-art software and cutting-edge technology to guarantee unparalleled results.

With a notable background, Paul has worked for Fox Sports around NASCAR and contributed his skills to renowned brands such as Mercedes Classic and Supercar rallies like Tour DeLux Rally. In these roles, he served as the head videographer and aerial specialist, showcasing his ability to capture the essence of high-octane events with precision and creativity. His experience in the dynamic realms of motorsports and luxury automotive events adds a distinctive dimension to his aerial expertise, making him a versatile professional with a proven track record in delivering captivating visual narratives.